Lower Cost of Ownership

Grapevine, TX's, Cost Effective Roofing Specialists

Affordable roofing solutions

When considering a cost-effective roofing system, it's best to evaluate upfront costs as well as scheduled maintenance and repairs your new roof will need in the future. Our liquid-applied membrane roof system not only costs less than traditional "seamed" roofs, but it also has a lifetime warranty on protection, ensuring you won't need to budget for expensive repairs or tear-offs. Our roofs are designed to handle any amount of weathering and moisture with little to no upkeep required, and the thermal insulating and UV protection properties of our coatings can effectively protect any exposed HVAC equipment, as well as the substrate of your existing roof. Our roofing system offers up to 40% savings in energy efficiency, ensuring your new roof will save you money for the life of your building.

Energy-efficient protection

With a lower overall cost of ownership due to decreased energy consumption and minimal maintenance requirements, you'll find your investment in our roofing system soon pays for itself. Our chemically-bonded roof membranes conserve energy by reflecting heat from the building and qualify for LEED points and federal and state tax credits. This emulsion and polyester compound can not only protect your business from moisture, rot, and mold; it will maintain it's color and UV reflectivity for the lifetime of your building. 

The fluid-applied roofing advantage

Whether you're concerned about maintenance costs, structural integrity, energy efficiency, or your tenants' satisfaction, you'll find our fluid-applied roofing system is the best possible choice for all of your roofing needs. Our cost-effective roofing membranes are energy-star certified, seamless to prevent leaks, aesthetically pleasing, and inexpensive to install. We stand behind all of our work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and we'll ensure you're more than satisfied with our results. 

Roof system life expectancy

Monolithic Roofing Solutions
Call us today for affordable roofing services.
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